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Posted by handycat (Member # 2323) on 04-15-2020, 07:40 AM:
President Trump will allow states to make the decision by saying the following.

I will be speaking to all 50 governors of all 50 states very shortly, I then will be authorizing each individual governor of each individual state, to implement a reopening, and a very powerful reopening, plan of their state, at a time and in a manner as most appropriate.

I feel better now knowing it will be a powerful reopening.
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 09:21 AM:
"I then will be authorizing each individual governor of each individual state, to implement a reopening"

I'm glad he's not starting a fight he can't win, but he still don't get it...they don't need his authorization! [
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 09:58 AM:
Funny how you have sent many posts on how "bad" he is doing in "shutting" down the U.S. but now complain he has no authority to "open" up the U.S.

Have your cake and eat it too!

p.s. each state looks for his guidance and will open their states as he suggests since they don't want any blood on their hands just on the Presidents.

[ 04-15-2020, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]
Posted by handycat (Member # 2323) on 04-15-2020, 10:25 AM:
I took Tip’s suggestion and actually read the constitution. Yes, that’s how bored I am. I’m not a constitutional scholar but it certainly appears to me that decision lies with the states. At least in the parts I was fully awake while reading. I won’t argue with you ukcatfan, maybe my lay interpretation is wrong. I’m sure you agree with the President that he has the absolute authority.

I just want to see the country reopened in a safe way. I have no reason to believe that the President or the governor’s would do anything than just that, reopen safely and in a timely manner.
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 10:45 AM:
Funny how you have sent many posts on how "bad" he is doing in "shutting" down the U.S. but now complain he has no authority to "open" up the U.S.
Nope...just his refusal to use his authority in any meaningful way.

each state looks for his guidance
They did at the beginning..they literally begged the man for guidance and help.

His response:

States need to find their own supplies..."we're not a delivery service"

I'm just a "cheerleader"

This is "our" stockpile....

BTW, he does not have the authority to shut down states or open them back up...UNLESS he declares Marshall law.

I just want to see the country reopened in a safe way.
Yep!...That's all.

[ 04-15-2020, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: MountainMafia ]
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 11:25 AM:
"I won’t argue with you ukcatfan, maybe my lay interpretation is wrong. I’m sure you agree with the President that he has the absolute authority. "

I did not say that al all. its a state thing, however they all will look to him for federal guidance etc. IMV The President would be smart for the states to do their own thing. Otherwise, they will blame him on any deaths that occur after the economy is opened...
my only complain is that how the left complains that he has no authority to SHUT it down and now he has no authority to OPEN it up. whatever he decides is wrong in their eyes...

[ 04-15-2020, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 11:36 AM:
whatever he decides is wrong in their eyes...

That's the's not his decision to make! he needn't burden himself.

my only complain is that how the left complains that he has no authority to SHUT it down and now he has no authority to OPEN it up
Ed, it was not the "left" that said he had no authority to shut down the was Trump himself!

[ 04-15-2020, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: MountainMafia ]
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 11:51 AM:
"Ed, it was not the "left" that said he had no authority to shut down the was Trump himself!"

Perhaps we listen to different people on this. CNN plus all the other newscast repeated this theme day and night and repeated on this board by people like you. Gleefully I might add..
Posted by handycat (Member # 2323) on 04-15-2020, 11:53 AM:
"I won’t argue with you ukcatfan, maybe my lay interpretation is wrong. I’m sure you agree with the President that he has the absolute authority. "

I did not say that al all. its a state thing, however they all will look to him for federal guidance etc. IMV The President would be smart for the states to do their own thing. Otherwise, they will blame him on any deaths that occur after the economy is opened...

You’re right. You did not say that. I made an assumption based on past responses regarding the President. My bad.
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 12:00 PM:
CNN plus all the other newscast repeated this theme day and night and repeated on this board by people like you
It's not a theme...I watched him say it myself.

people like you
As President Reagan famously said: "there you go again"
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 01:39 PM:
"Ed, it was not the "left" that said he had no authority to shut down the was Trump himself!"

MM I misspoke - the Left complained that he wasn't shutting he country down fast enough then and now they are saying he has no authority to open it up. Sorry still same point. either way he does it the left complains
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 02:14 PM:

MM I misspoke - the Left complained that he wasn't shutting he country down fast enough

I don't remember anybody saying "please, Mr. President, "shut my state down" or "shut my city down"..."please hurry"...

what I heard was: "Mr. President, we need gloves, we need masks,...we need help"!
Posted by Old Norm (Member # 1482) on 04-15-2020, 04:07 PM:
"Mr. President, we need gloves, we need masks,...we need help"!

And they got it. Lots of it. Ask Gavin Newsome or even Gov Cuomo. Cuomo asked for way more than they needed. Especially ventilators, hospital beds, hospitals etc. I don't know what you wanted him to do.
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 04:09 PM:
"I don't remember anybody saying ay "please, Mr. President, "shut my state down" or "shut my city down"..."please hurry"..."

Playing dumb are we MM
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 05:39 PM:
And they got it. Lots of it. Ask Gavin Newsome or even Gov Cuomo. Cuomo asked for way more than they needed. Especially ventilators, hospital beds, hospitals etc. I don't know what you wanted him to do.

Newsome received 170 ventilators....none of them worked!

A hospital in Alabama received a shipment of surgical mask...they were dry rotted.

Why? The maintenance contract for the NSS was allowed to expire in 2018.

I know....It was Obama’s fault.

Playing dumb are we MM
Not me out.
Posted by Old Norm (Member # 1482) on 04-15-2020, 06:31 PM:
MM: It would not make a damn bit of difference what Donald Trump did or did not do. You would find fault with it. Why don't you just admit that you hate the president and let it go at that. I will understand. Two of my own children despise the ground he walks on. I asked my daughter why she hated him, and she said, "Because he said he could grab a woman by the *****!". I replied that he said it and Bill Clinton actually DID it! She screamed in the phone, "I'm not defending Bill Clinton!!!" I replied, "You voted for his wife.". She hung up on me.
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 06:51 PM:
MM: It would not make a damn bit of difference what Donald Trump did or did not do. You would find fault with it.
Conversely, It would not make a damn bit of difference what Donald Trump did or did not do you would find no fault with it.

Why don't you just admit that you hate the president and let it go at that. I will understand.
I just hate that he is president, that's it...can you understand that?
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 07:42 PM:
M&m, I don’t believe that for a minute. I think Norm is pretty open minded and if he believes Trump is wrong he will either say so or at the very least, just stay out of the conversation. Shouldn’t try to speak for him but unlike some Trump supporters, he doesn’t appear to take everything that Trump sways as gospel.

Hope I didn’t offend him with my opinion but that kind of jumped out at me. Don’t mean to offend you either. Hell I don’t want to offend anybody. With the exception of Tip, I always enjoy offending Tip.

You didn't offend me one iota, hc...neither did Norm. People never offend me by defending their position if done so without personal attacks.

Hell, let me have it...doesn't bother me at all, but don't expect me not to fire back.

With the exception of you and Tip, I've heard virtually no criticism of Trump on any level.

To me, there's nothing more important than a man's character, particularly trust. If I feel you are untrustworthy I'm done with you...straight up!

There's mounds of evidence throughout his life that Donald Trump can not be trusted.
Posted by m hamilton (Member # 127) on 04-15-2020, 07:48 PM:
If states don't take orders from the government then they shouldn't take funding from them either! Should you be able to have your cake and eat it too?
Posted by Old Norm (Member # 1482) on 04-15-2020, 07:58 PM:
Looks like Handy deleted his reply. So thank you for quoting him MM. And thank you HC for your comments.
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 07:59 PM:
"Not me out."

you don't need any help mm Never trumpers are ways right!yo

Let me give an example - Trump early on warned NY that he better get prepared. So what does the mayor and city councilwomen do - They say that Washington is giving them misinformation and that that all New Yorkers should go about them business and enjoy themselves.

And yet u defend NY - and why? because u hate the President. Spin it anyway u like but people on this board can see thru u.

pls don't insult us by saying u are "fair and Balanced"

[ 04-15-2020, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 08:12 PM:
Looks like Handy deleted his reply.
I was wondering what happened...I thought I was hearing voices there for a minute. [Smile]
Posted by handycat (Member # 2323) on 04-15-2020, 08:29 PM:
Sorry I deleted that. After a few minutes I thought I might be putting my nose where it didn’t belong.
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 08:29 PM:
Let me give an example - Trump early on warned NY that he better get prepared.
Where did you get that?

And yet u defend NY
When did I do that?

because u hate the President.
I said I don't trust the president...I looked it up...there's a difference!

Spin it anyway u like but people on this board can see thru u.
Thanks....transparency is important don't you think?
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 09:12 PM:
I asked my daughter why she hated him, and she said, "Because he said he could grab a woman by the *****!". I replied that he said it and Bill Clinton actually DID it! She screamed in the phone, "I'm not defending Bill Clinton!!!" I replied, "You voted for his wife.". She hung up on me.
You could always say that Trump apologized for that comment, which he actually did....only apology I know of.

Methinks the putang was going to dry up if he didn't. [Smile]

[ 04-15-2020, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: MountainMafia ]
Posted by handycat (Member # 2323) on 04-15-2020, 09:23 PM:
I don’t trust Trump and I have no problem saying that. That doesn’t mean I don”t support most of his stated policies. I also feel he has done an ok job with this pandemic.

Obama scared me because of his policies and what I considered such a radical base.

I agree with most of Trump’s policy’s, but he scares the hell out of me. I believe him to be a pathological liar. What frightens me even more is that so many of his supporters believe everything that comes out of his mouth. Before some of you get your panties in a wad, I’m not saying that about anybody on this site. I have friends who will fight (verbally) over the slightest criticism of the President. Wonder where that inability to accept criticism of any kind came from?

[ 04-15-2020, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: handycat ]
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 09:32 PM:
"Not me out."

Let me give an example - Trump early on warned NY that he better get prepared. So what does the mayor and city councilwomen do - They say that Washington is giving them misinformation and that that all New Yorkers should go about them business and enjoy themselves.
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 09:34 PM:
"I said I don't trust the president...I looked it up...there's a difference!"

You are this boards Juan Williams, he trys to act fair and balanced but in fact, the other members of the "five" see right thru him...

not personal a comparison!

[ 04-15-2020, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 09:36 PM:
"Thanks....transparency is important don't you think?"

Absolutely those comments show exactly who u are and what u think!!

[ 04-15-2020, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-15-2020, 10:11 PM:
Absolutely those comments show exactly who u are and what u think
That smiley face doesn’t hide a thing, Ed. I’m serious, enough is enough!
Posted by Tiptree (Member # 844) on 04-15-2020, 11:01 PM:
On these boards, it is okay to have differing points of view. It is not okay to confuse "different point of view" with "bad person".

There is nobody on the Cat's Domain that I would not sit down and share a nice meal and/or adult beverage with. No matter how bitterly I disagree with their politics.

Let's keep it human, folks. Remember how much we have in common. One thing for certain -- no post here has ever changed anybody's mind, but some have left forever because of being ill treated. Let's stop that sh*t right now.

[ 04-15-2020, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Tiptree ]
Posted by ukcatfannfl (Member # 1425) on 04-15-2020, 11:27 PM:
My remarks were replies toward another's point of view - nothing more nothing less!

Me being a conservative person and another being a (in my view) far left person. Nothing personal about that. Seems to me there will always be debate!

postings indicate that!!

p.s. tip I will defend the President whenever I see that he is been sh&* on!
p.s. I took off the smiley face so not to offend anyone!! [Smile]

[ 04-15-2020, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]
Posted by rlt4uk (Member # 3194) on 04-16-2020, 01:08 AM:
I trust president Trump, 100%. I hope and pray he gets reelected.
Posted by MountainMafia (Member # 2066) on 04-16-2020, 08:47 AM:
I trust president Trump, 100%. I hope and pray he gets reelected.
Nothing at all wrong with that.

I do not trust Trump at all. I hope he is not reelected
There's nothing wrong with that either.

It's called America!
Posted by m hamilton (Member # 127) on 04-16-2020, 07:05 PM:
So now, are we going to be able to blame POTUS for when people go back to work verses starting too early or too late.

If each governor is responsible then takes the blame off Trump!

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