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Author Topic: Substitute ukcatfan for Trey Gowdy
Member # 1425

posted 07-20-2020 07:08 PM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Doesn't matter who said it the "fact" is the below is what's happening now!(in reply to someone on this board who said that this was not fact checked as to who said it - doesn't matter, the below is happening..

you or others may fact check anything you like!! you do
try to mask what is going on by changing the subject of this post when in fact what is going is in "fact" now happening in our country!

Sounds like someone understands exactly what is going on with the Democrats and the media. Their last chance to win in Nov. Elected Democrats to national office as a group are a bunch of sick people..

That is a true statement by anyone who says it

"I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't real... But Pay attention folks, there's much more going on here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee? (Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection after fending off 3 years of investigations and impeachment, then all of a sudden world crisis pandemic. Stock market tumbles, companies are laying off employees, everything is closed and canceled, CEO's of giant companies are resigning and indictments are coming.
Now they say there are a couple ways a President doesn't win reelection. Those are an unpopular war or a poor economy
But there is something larger going on here driving this sudden outbreak right after Trump beats an impeachment. Especially the fact that it (Corona Virus) originated in China who we are in a global trade war with; brought on by Trump. Let's not forget Biden's back door deals with CHINA as well.
China doesn't want 4 more years of Trump either. It all seems rather convenient for the nations and opponents of our current President and economy 5 months before an election. Couldn't have hit at a more perfect time.
With the Democrats running out of campaign talking points, in light of no school shootings, no migrant caravans at the southern border, fighting in Syria winding down, North Korea not firing missiles and Trump beating a sham impeachment. The Corona Virus gave them one last hail Mary to try and point fingers at Trump with the clock winding down in 2020.
This is almost the perfect fascist playbook. Control the population with fear-mongering and panic, control the media, spread propaganda and the fan-favorite, disarm the population. Oh, and did anyone notice that while they are mad as hell at Trump for not sending aid to Ukraine, they THEMSELVES voted AGAINST giving ANY emergency aid to all Americans?
Sorry but I don't think we are all going to die. Remember when Ebola was what was going to kill us all, and the media kept showing the piles of body bags that were prepared for the fallout. Then a month later it was totally forgotten.
The common flu has killed more people this year already and the media is SILENT!
A handful of deaths out of 320 million Americans and we are in panic tearing down our society and costing our economy billions in the wake. It all just seems fishy, a little too well-timed if you ask me".
Trey Gowdy
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. (P. J. O'Rourke)

[ 07-24-2020, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-20-2020 08:02 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
I have followed Trey Gowdy for a while now and he is good !!!
So much truth in his statement.


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posted 07-20-2020 08:07 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
While I am not a global conspiracy theorist, I do think that:

(1) COVID-19 is a failed attempt at a weaponized virus that escaped from a government lab in Wuhan. Note the extreme measures that China took during the initial outbreak in Wuhan, and then the following outbreak in Beijing. Why would they do this?

(2) The virus was the perfect "crisis" for the leftists to use to implement a degree of control never seen in this country. They are not going to give that up until Trump is defeated.

(3) The virus is not much of a threat to our youth. Germany opened it schools in March, and has not seen a single case of virus transmission between children. In fact, for healthy adults under 60 or so, it is more or less just the flu. Those over 60, and those with known conditions need to be protected (i.e., quarantined), but the rest of us should be free to resume our lives. The fact that the leftists want our kids at home so parents cannot work, and they want continue to shut down businesses, both to decimate the economy and ensure Trump is not re-elected.

(4) The leaders of BLM are openly self-proclaimed Marxists. Guess who benefits from creating a sense of fear in the streets? Biden, the lefist candidate. Coincidence? Hmmmm....

[ 07-20-2020, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Tiptree ]


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-20-2020 08:10 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
So true Tip... I have been saying since this started that the media and the libtards used scare tactics to scare us into giving up some of our rights. It is still happening.


Posts: 2796 | From: Greeley, CO, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-22-2020 09:45 AM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
"Those over 60, and those with known conditions need to be protected"

Tip very true - this is a political weapon never seen before and shows how low the democrats will go to overthrow trump at the election ballot. Hence the "mail in" campaign ongoing for example. The teachers here in FL are demanding that schools not start with classroom participation to keep our state shut down. Fortunately we have a republican govt who I think will do the right thing and open them up this fall.

This virus IMO was self made and spread by the Chinese to stop trump - a Biden presidency would be easy to manipulate by them as he is a paid puppet already.

If Biden gets in through tricky cheating by the democrats this country is so finished, with AOC and her other communists' cronies having their way with any crazy plan they want...


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1425

posted 07-24-2020 05:24 PM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
subject mater changed from trey to me.. who said it doesnt matter as the content is still true!!

[ 07-24-2020, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-24-2020 06:36 PM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
You have to do better than selective Facebook postings, Ed...Seriously, dude.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1425

posted 07-24-2020 06:39 PM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
seriously dude u miss the whole point - the subject matter is true


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-24-2020 06:46 PM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1425

posted 07-24-2020 06:53 PM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
dude just read the contents - again doesn't matter who said it, it is the "contents" of the post which are becoming more and more true in today's America.

You dont really think china wants to deal with trump for 4 more years do u. Biden is already bought and paid for by the Chinese

[ 07-24-2020, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: ukcatfannfl ]


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-24-2020 06:56 PM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Whatever, Ed....just more right wing BS.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1425

posted 07-24-2020 06:57 PM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Coming from a left winger - thank you


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-25-2020 09:01 AM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
The virus is not much of a threat to our youth.
There is no evidence of this I am aware of. Covid is known to kill all age groups. Although younger people are more likely to have only mild to moderate symptoms, the long-term effects, if any, are unknown.

Germany opened it schools in March, and has not seen a single case of virus transmission between children.
March is when Germany closed their schools and opened them up in May with very restrictive measures. There were indeed transmissions between students.

I tried to post a link but couldn't get it to take.

In fact, for healthy adults under 60 or so, it is more or less just the flu.
Again, I've seen no evidence.

Those over 60, and those with known conditions need to be protected (i.e., quarantined), but the rest of us should be free to resume our lives.
That's a pretty selfish way of looking at it, Tip.
How long are you suggesting that folks like me be quarantined and "protected" while "the rest of us are free to resume our lives".

I've got a better idea...get Trump off his ass and do something about the virus. Other countries have, why not us? That way we ALL would be free to resume our lives.

The fact that the leftists want our kids at home so parents cannot work, and they want continue to shut down businesses, both to decimate the economy and ensure Trump is not re-elected.
That is so misguided and out of place I'm stunned you even said it, Tip.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1425

posted 07-25-2020 09:10 AM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
if not, then u have ur head buried in the ground dude


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1425

posted 07-25-2020 12:28 PM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
P.s. all ur comments in the end boil down to beimg a "Trump hater" simple as that.

If u want to "mimgle" just get involved with state sanction riots and maybe destroy a business or two. Those people r exempt fm wearing a face mask and being in groups.

Democratic party playbook once,again.


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 844

posted 07-25-2020 01:53 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
I am not sure why you can't take the same 30 seconds I just took to google this information. There is much more out there on all three items, but these links should get you started.

Transmission of COVID in Saxony

Fatalities by age

Hospitalization rates by age group

Interestingly, the mortality rate has been falling all over the world. That is because we are testing more and more people, identifying more and more positive cases, so the denominator is getting bigger and bigger. The average age of those who test positive has declined from 65 to 35 as we expand testing to cover people who are asymptomatic.

I am not asking anyone to do anything, but I am asking for a reasoned, data-driven debate that focuses on more than just curing a single disease. We need to count the total cost of our actions. And don't dare tell me that I am heartless or cruel to "want even one person to die" to save our country. We have been dealing viral and bacterial threats for all of our human history. We have other medical conditions that can kill us. Way before we heard of covid, we would take measured risks every single day to go to work, travel, even walk the dog.

All I am asking is for the tyranny of the "expert class" to be tempered with those who must take a broader view. And please, give us our liberties back.


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Member # 141

posted 07-25-2020 02:38 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Thank you Tip
Everyone is zeroed in on this virus and say they care about human lives but don't think about all the babies that are killed every year (way more than this virus has killed), as well as the many other ways we can die including DUI's and many other ways that we don't seem to care about as far as stifling our economy.
People are born and people will die ... only God knows the time and place. Our sins (all men's and women's) cause the problems that lead to suffering and death.
I know it is kinda of a bad way to put it but everyday we are closer to our death no matter the cause.
The one thing I know for sure is that (wink, wink) Biden has a way to solve all of our problems or so he says. I just laugh at what he says and how they won't let him debate because the real Joe will come out (I do feel for him and his problems, but in no way is he capable of running this country IMHO). What has he done in all the years he has been in office (I am to lazy to look it up but I bet it ain't much).


Posts: 2796 | From: Greeley, CO, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 844

posted 07-25-2020 07:34 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
No, it is definitely not a political hoax. It has become, however, a very political issue. Our democrat leadership has made sure of that.

Democrat governors in California, New York, Michigan have rolled out harsh rules, and even harsher criticism of Trump. Yet, the protocol for dealing with pandemics calls for each state's public health office to respond, with advice from the CDC and other national health organizations. Trump offered significant assistance to New York and California, yet has been politically brow-beaten by democrats in those states.

How much 'control' does the federal government have in such cases? How much authority? More importantly, in a federal republic, how much should it have?

One nation decided to go a different route, one that took some big brass ones to follow. That country is Sweden. They never issued any lock-down orders, they did not require their population wear masks... they just asked people to use some common sense as they go about their daily lives. What happened in Sweden?

Take a look for yourself.
Here is the full BBC article.

There have been so many studies rushed to publication that conflict with other studies, so much misinformation passed around, and so much fear fostered by the media that making any decision has been difficult. I admire the Swedes for bucking the trend.

But back in the USA, governors are now issuing mandatory mask orders, some with criminal penalties. In Indiana, the governor initially issued a mandatory mask order with serious penalties, until sheriffs began to state publicly that they will not prosecute people without masks as "criminals". He recently recanted the criminal penalties (but not the mask order). But why require masks?

The science is inconclusive.

If you want to wear one, great. I often do -- mostly to remain socially acceptable. Certainly not as a way to prevent me from catching COVID. The evidence that masks are an effective deterrent is scant; in fact, some studies show that it actually causes more harm than good. The only good evidence is that wearing a mask while you are symptomatic with COVID can help prevent the spread of aerosol droplets containing the virus. However, other studies show that the virus load in exhaled breath from asymptomatic but infected people is negligible.

So, here we go... progressives uniformly bowing before the alter of "Science" (or more precisely, using some science as a prop for their own agenda), while conservatives wonder why we are having our liberties trampled by an over-reaching government. NOBODY wants to get COVID, but I, for one, don't want to give up my constitutional rights either.


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Member # 141

posted 07-25-2020 07:42 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
I like reading your posts Tip... you are a very smart an astute man !!!
I to don't want to get the Vid but also am "NOT" giving up my constitutional rights !!! I wear a mask only when I have to and even then I don't cover my nose. I look at all the insane people that wear a mask in there own car when they are driving alone and bicyclist wearing one riding down the road with no one anywhere near them. I guess they are that afraid of the Vid. I went to buy a new vehicle and asked the salesman if I needed a mask and he said do I need one and I smiled and said nope. We even shook hands a couple of times. I am not going to live being afraid to live !!!


Posts: 2796 | From: Greeley, CO, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged
Old Norm
Member # 1482

posted 07-25-2020 07:57 PM      Profile for Old Norm   Email Old Norm   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
I actually met a guy (I think it was a guy) on a motorcycle the other day, and yep, he (it) was wearing a mask. Buzzing down the road about 40 mph, nobody nearer than me in my car, but wearing that mask. Paranoid or stupid?

Pray For Our Country!

Posts: 36281 | From: Western KY | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1425

posted 07-25-2020 09:10 PM      Profile for ukcatfannfl   Email ukcatfannfl   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Democratic States and Democratic Mayors are the majority of the people who say "must wear a mask".

AOC recently posted a tweet saying that business's must be kept shut down until after the nov election in order to win the election. (she since has taken it down )

No folks, this is a last ditch attempt by the democrat's to rig an election.. The democratic party leaders are the scum of the earth!


Posts: 8771 | From: Inverness, FL | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-25-2020 09:53 PM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
I am not sure why you can't take the same 30 seconds I just took to google this information. There is much more out there on all three items, but these links should get you started.

Maybe you should have taken a little longer. The Saxony link is classic cherry-picking. An infection rate of 1.3%. Really? There are 4 states in the US that have an infection rate that low: NY, CONN, Vermont and Maine. Twelve states with 10%-24%, another 21 with rates between 5-9.7% and on and on.


The fatalities rate link is for South Korea in March, 4 months ago. SK is one of the best in the world at early detection, contact tracing and treatment, the US is one of the worse.

I couldn't see much of the hospitalization link because it was blocked by this disclaimer:

Therefore, the rates provided are likely to be underestimated as COVID-19-associated hospitalizations can be missed due to test availability and provider or facility testing practices.

Interestingly, the mortality rate has been falling all over the world.
Nothing really surprising here. Half of the world's cases are in 4 countries: The US, Brazil, India and Russia. And half of these are in the US, and they are spiking in all 4. What follows infections? Hospitalizations. What follows Hospitalizations? Deaths. Its coming.

We have other medical conditions that can kill us. Way before we heard of covid, we would take measured risks every single day to go to work, travel, even walk the dog.
Take all the risks you long as it don't involve me. I have the same right as anyone to go to the grocery store, or drug store or wherever without being threatened by someone else's "liberties".

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 141

posted 07-25-2020 10:18 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
MM you can always call in and get your groceries and everything else delivered [Wink]


Posts: 2796 | From: Greeley, CO, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 844

posted 07-25-2020 11:09 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Quoting "infection rates" is not a convincing argument. Talk death rates, or at the very least, hospitalization rates. We are finding more and more infected persons because we are testing more and more people.

Tracking "Influenza-like Illnesses" as a percentage of doctor visits gives a rough idea of how many people are suffering from mild COVID symptoms (i.e., they are not being hospitalized for COVID, but they may be suffering from it or the flu). Here is the weekly numbers from last year through the flu seaoson up to now:

Does this graph give you some hope?

Here again are the CUMULATIVE hospitalization rates (per 100,000) for those who test positive for COVID. Note that the national average is about 1.2%.

Here is that graph.

I notice you did not comment on Sweden. Here is a nation that eschewed the paranoid responses seen around the world and essentially went on with their lives... and the disease turned out to be nothing like what all the experts predicted. How do you square that with your point of view?

Lastly, you claim that hospitalizations are "spiking" in the US. Let's check those numbers.

Hmmm... I don't see a spike here.

As to "cherry-picking" data in Germany, not sure what you mean. The BBC is about as left-leaning a news organization as you can find on the planet, and they are "all-in" on the COVID fear-mongering. Yet, they published that article on the school children in Saxony, Germany. That, like the Sweden case, is real data, my friend. You cannot claim it is "cherry picking".

So, I stand by my data and my observations. The whole case for draconian government over-reach was to prevent hospitals from being "overwhelmed" with COVID patients. Turns out, that never happened. There is ample excess capacity for ICU beds and venilators. So, NOW what is the excuse for such strict controls? None, really. Do what Sweden did -- let us live our lives with the prudence that we all have. Stop the power-grab and let us be Americans once again. Hell, the Swedes are now more free than we are!


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-25-2020 11:26 PM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
MM you can always call in and get your groceries and everything else delivered
So can the people who choose not to wear a mask.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 141

posted 07-25-2020 11:27 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Thank you Tip !!!!!!!


Posts: 2796 | From: Greeley, CO, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-25-2020 11:28 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
MM I am not the one that is afraid to go out in public without a mask !!! I even shook hands with a car salesman last week that I had never met !!! I choose to live my life without fear. I did ask him first and he was all for it as well as not wearing a mask.


[ 07-25-2020, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: MEL ]

Posts: 2796 | From: Greeley, CO, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-25-2020 11:29 PM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Tip, I’ll reply later. I’m on mama’s IPad and I hate this damn thing. Like Norm my computer has bit the dust.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Old Norm
Member # 1482

posted 07-26-2020 09:30 AM      Profile for Old Norm   Email Old Norm   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
This is my opinion, and ONLY an opinion. No need arguing with me, because there is almost zero chance that I will change my mind. I don't think either political party had a thing to do with this virus coming here. That came from China, and they didn't even send out a warning. Now that it's here, I truly believe that Mister Trumps haters and opponents are hoping the panic lasts until after the November election. Remember Rahm Emmanuel's famous quote: "Never let a crisis go to waste".

Pray For Our Country!

Posts: 36281 | From: Western KY | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 2066

posted 07-27-2020 06:34 AM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
The evidence that masks are an effective deterrent is scant; in fact, some studies show that it actually causes more harm than good.
Not true. Every health organization in the world recommends wearing masks as a very effective way of preventing spread.

The "harmful" masks you refer to are a certain type N95 mask...the ones with the front valve. They will protect the wearer but will not prevent the wearer from spreading the virus. They are designed for construction workers to keep from inhaling dust.

Talk death rates,
The death rate in the US is 3.5%.

I notice you did not comment on Sweden. Here is a nation that eschewed the paranoid responses seen around the world and essentially went on with their lives... and the disease turned out to be nothing like what all the experts predicted. How do you square that with your point of view?
We are not Sweden.



Lastly, you claim that hospitalizations are "spiking" in the US. Let's check those numbers.
My bad on that, Tip. I wasn't clear with my post...I was talking about infection rates.

As to "cherry-picking" data in Germany, not sure what you mean. The BBC is about as left-leaning a news organization as you can find on the planet
I wasn't referring to the messenger but the message (left or right doesn't matter, but facts do).

Singling out a study from Germany, again one of the best in the world at containing the virus, and pointing to only one state in Germany with an infection rate of 1.3% is not at all reflective of the US.

So, I stand by my data and my observations. The whole case for draconian government over-reach was to prevent hospitals from being "overwhelmed" with COVID patients. Turns out, that never happened.
Take a closer look at Texas and Florida.

[ 07-27-2020, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: MountainMafia ]

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 844

posted 07-28-2020 05:09 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

I will try to address your points one by one.

I cannot let you go by with the "cherry picking" statement, so let me start with this one. Here is some reading for you:

The CDC urges schools to reopen in the fall:

Here is a rather rambling survey of studies presented by the American Association for the Advancement of Science:

Here is another showing data that suggests (as have other studies) that there is no documented case of transmission of COVID from a student to a teacher:

And yet another saying the same thing, this one out of Britain:

Let me say again: There are ZERO documented cases of a student passing the COVID virus to teachers, despite countries like Taiwan, Sweden, and others that NEVER SHUT DOWN SCHOOLS.

The data were not cherry-picked. I did only link one story; apparently that wasn't enough for you. Now, you can ignore all of this or you can accept it.


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-28-2020 05:13 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

The "harm" from masks wasn't about which ones work or don't work. It was about the significant decline in Blood oxygenation in those who wear masks (of any type), which imposes significant strain on the heart. Asking someone to wear a mask is akin to asking them to hold their breath.

Given that it is uniformly acknowledged that normal cloth masks or surgical masks do nothing to protect the wearer from the virus, having the most vulnerable wear masks seems an undue burden. The only value in masks, as far as I can see, is to prevent someone who is infected but asymptomatic from spreading the virus. Other defensive measures, like social distancing and frequent hand-washing, are much more effective.


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-28-2020 05:27 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

The death rate will continue to decline as the number of confirmed cases rises with more testing. Here are the current numbers:

Confirmed cases (US): 4.4M
Deaths 151K

That is about 3.4%, as you state. But look at the "deltas" -- the changes in those numbers:

New Cases: +54,806
New deaths: +1,079

That comes out to 1.9% -- showing the rate of discovering new cases is rising far faster than the deaths. That trend is likely to continue, if not accelerate.

The state-by-state numbers are interesting only in that it shows New York, with the most draconian restrictions, has by far the highest death rate:

California has 467K cases and 8,562 deaths, for a 1.8% death rate.

Florida has had 442K cases and 6,116 deaths, for a 1.3% death rate.

New York has had 418K cases and 32,333 deaths, for a whopping 7.7% death rate. Way to go, Cuomo. Keep trying to blame Trump for your abysmal failure!

Texas has had 403K cases and 4,267 deaths, for a 1.05% death rate.

New Jersey had 449K cases and 15,825 deaths, for a 3.5% death rate.

Bonus question: Can you guess which states have democrat governers, and which have republican governers?


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-28-2020 05:31 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
And lastly, to your snip that "we are not Sweden". You are correct. Unfortunately, we SHOULD have taken the path Sweden took, preserving liberties and keeping things as normal as possible in the face of this disease. Unfortunately, we ended up more like France.

The Swedes never closed schools. They never shut down businesses. They never forbade people from using a boat, or going to their vacation homes. They just asked people to use common sense. That USED to be America. Now, we are beholden to narrowly-focused "experts" instead of relying upon broader wisdom and weighing cost versus benefit. Much to our detriment as a nation.


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

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posted 07-28-2020 08:00 PM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Thank you Tip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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posted 07-28-2020 09:52 PM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
I could counter your argument and then you counter mine, but to tell the truth I’m worn out with other things right now. I respect you and your position but I came back to TCD too soon and believe I’ll just sign off again until some more important things improve.

Be safe, my friend. I truly hope things work out for the best...for all of us.

[ 07-28-2020, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: MountainMafia ]

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-28-2020 10:14 PM      Profile for Tiptree   Email Tiptree   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
You certainly have bigger fish to fry than debating me. Best wishes to you and momma!


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 13709 | From: Terre Haute, IN | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-29-2020 06:53 AM      Profile for handycat   Email handycat   Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
M&M, I hope things will work out well and quickly so you can return to posting. I enjoy the back and forth with you and Tip. I can honestly say you two in particular have changed my mind on various topics.

You and your wife will continue to be in my prayers.

Posts: 5488 | From: decatur ill. | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged
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posted 07-29-2020 08:22 AM      Profile for MountainMafia     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
We had a setback yesterday from the oncologist. Mama has to undergo chemo treatment, something that surprised us since the surgeon said he had removed all the cancer. The oncologist said it was lymph node invasive and without chemo the chances of the cancer returning was 50% or lass, with chemo it was 30% or less so it's a no-brainer.

You guys are the best...all my friends on TCD.


I'll be checking in occasionally to see what all the fussing is about. I'll be taking notes on what you WATCH OUT! [Smile]

[ 07-29-2020, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: MountainMafia ]

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when nobody cares who gets the credit"....Tubby Smith after winning 1998 National Title.

Posts: 4694 | From: Alabama | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Member # 141

posted 07-29-2020 09:07 AM      Profile for MEL     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
My prayers are with you and your wife MM !!!


Posts: 2796 | From: Greeley, CO, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged

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