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Posted by Old Norm (Member # 1482) on 01-30-2021, 11:14 AM:
Ten days after the inauguration, and everything I was afraid would happen is happening, and at Warp Speed. Mister OBiden has pretty much undone everything President Trump accomplished. All the things he liked, he has simply taken credit for. I just almost scream when he or his mouthpiece, Psaki, talk about how they are going to conquer this COVID19. They had NOTHING to do with getting it taken care of.

Then there is the pipeline and JOBS shutdown The stopping construction of the border wall, which will probably be torn down now. The opening of the border, the National Guard AND active duty military and the razor wire barrier around the Capitol. The drilling and fracking ban on public lands. And now, worst of all, our taxpayers paying for abortions in foreign lands. They are some evil, evil people. Welcome to Communism. Welcome China. Goodbye Freedom, second amendment, freedom of religion and speech.
Posted by MEL (Member # 141) on 01-30-2021, 12:24 PM:
This is the same guy that said executive orders were so wrong but now he has wrote more than any president ever in 10 days, it is so bad already and going to get worse by the minute Norm !!!
Now they are talking aboutr $20 an hour minimumn wage which will shutdown businesses all over the US !!! People can't pay that and survive !!! Of course that is what they want, to control everyone.
MY daughter already said if they won the billion dollar lottery they would buy an island somewhere and move all of us there in a heart beat !!! I would pay to go with them.

Posted by EnterpriseCat (Member # 2881) on 01-30-2021, 12:41 PM:
I am seriously concerned that we may never get this country back to anywhere near “normal” if the Democrats continue these ridiculous policies. Packing the Supreme Court, making D.C. and Puerto Rico states, and all of the ones that have already been mentioned, are going to ensure a Democrat led country forever. God, please stop this nonsense before it’s too late.
I’m praying for Manchin and the Senima to stay true to their core beliefs that all of those agendas are unacceptable. They are our only hope at the moment. Sad state of affairs.
Posted by MEL (Member # 141) on 01-30-2021, 01:10 PM:
I could see an uprising like no other if this crap keeps going on. The Colorado legislature is talking about having to have a background check on every box of ammo you buy. That is at this time a $10 fee and is taking anywhere from a few hours to days or even a week or more here in Colorado. They way ammo is selling here (literally hundreds of boxes gone in 30 minutes or less) it would back up the system and take a 2 weeks if not more just to buy ammo. Every box would bought would have to go through the bg check, which is what they want not counting on the extra cost !!!

Posted by EnterpriseCat (Member # 2881) on 01-30-2021, 01:43 PM:
Democrats are thinking they may not stop us from buying weapons because of the Constitution, but if they can keep us from getting ammunition it’s the same end result. Pure evil.
Posted by Bama Cat (Member # 153) on 01-30-2021, 03:22 PM:
No wonder Pelosi wants to keep all her protection on the hill, I'd be afraid the right won't be quiet for 4 years. That's a long time. I'm expecting the insurrection to start way before then, and God help her she may not be around to see another presidential election. [Confused]
Posted by MEL (Member # 141) on 01-30-2021, 06:40 PM:
EC... obama tried that and it ended up not working, but it may this time. We have sold sooooooo much ammo it is insane. The store I work at gets more than lots of the other stores near us. We sell out so fast it is crazy. We take bets how fast certain calibers will be gone. Lots of times we say in 15 minutes and for example we had 40 boxes of 200 round .45 ACP ($100 a box) and we said they would be gone in 30 minutes. We were wrong, they were gone in less than 10 minutes and that is with a 1 box per customre limit in effect !!! We use to have 200 plus cases of shotgun ammo in back stock. We now have zero in back stock. Thursday we had 1 box of handgun ammo on the shelf and it is only there because very few people have that caliber.
We have absolutel zero boxes of ammo (handgun, rifle or shotgun in back stock).

Posted by PaulCat (Member # 513) on 01-31-2021, 12:27 AM:
The stupid thing about trying to control ammo is that you can make simply your own.
Posted by MEL (Member # 141) on 01-31-2021, 12:51 AM:
PC... we sell reloading supplies and equipment too. The reloading shop is having a hrad time getting certain tiems, the main ones being primers and powder. But we are also short on brass and dies. We have limited primers too but they still fly out of the store as fast as we get them.
We have certain people that are investors and they get as uch ammo as we allow them to and sometimes probably more. They then in turn sell it for 3 to 4 times the price they padi for it if not more sometimes.

Posted by Old Norm (Member # 1482) on 01-31-2021, 09:48 AM:
Originally posted by Bama Cat:
No wonder Pelosi wants to keep all her protection on the hill, I'd be afraid the right won't be quiet for 4 years. That's a long time. I'm expecting the insurrection to start way before then, and God help her she may not be around to see another presidential election. [Confused]

I am afraid Bama may have hit the nail on the head. Turning the capitol into a fortress is as scary as Hell.
Posted by MEL (Member # 141) on 01-31-2021, 12:01 PM:
The libtards are playing the poor pitifuol me game starting with pelosi and oac !!! oac said Rep Cruz tried to have her murdered with absolutely no proof just stupidity to even think that !!! pelosi is grasping for every straw she and other libtards can grab to put the GOP down !!!
The governors need to tell their nation guard to come back home.
Another waste of your and my taxes !!!


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