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Posted by Tiptree (Member # 844) on 10-05-2007, 10:57 AM:
Well, I am now able to distance myself sufficiently from our loss to reflect on it. Some comments:

Our running game was solid. Woodson made a number of audibles -- sometimes two on the same play! -- to change the play after seeing the defensive set. And Little (primarily), Dixon, and Locke all made good gainers. Our offensive line, by and large, did much better run blocking than pass blocking. Our backs were able to find daylight between the tackles, on the corners, and outside. Nice job on the running game!

On the other hand, our passing game never found its rhythm. Woodson was scrambling all night due to our inability to stop their pass rush. As a result, he often ended up throwing off-balance, or throwing it away intentionally. In fact, I only remember ONE play when he was able to drop back, plant, and zing a nice pass to a receiver without being pressured. Kudos to the SC pass rush! Our offensive line coach clearly has some work to do before we face LSU's monster pass rush.

The SC secondary, according to the announcers at least (darn TV never shows what I want to look at!) was playing smothering coverage on our deep routes. I guess their number one pass defense rating wasn't a joke! Woodson/Phillips did the smart thing and took the short out, the slant, and the screen pass, all of which were 'freebies' given the aggressive pass rush and two-deep zone coverage they were employing.

Defensively, we played pretty typical for this year's squad, with a couple of bright spots (five sacks, and the entire third quarter was AWESOME!) and one question mark (no forced turnovers for a normally opportunistic defense).

Our run defense, other than the third quarter, was generally abysmal. Especially in the fourth quarter, when they seemingly gained 6-10 yards per rush.

Our pass defense did a decent job, except for covering McIntyre (or whatever their star WR's name is). That guy was ALWAYS open -- and if not him, then the tight end was able to slip under the coverage on the corner. Did I miss something, or did none of our backs even try to make a play on the ball? Instead, they seemed content to let them make the catch and then take 'em down. I would like to have seen us be in better position to step in front of the receiver and pick one or two off.

Our pass rush was anemic in the first half, TERRIFIC in the third quarter, then The Old Ball Coach figured out how to burn us when we rushed in the fourth quarter. Let's just say that I enjoyed the third quarter and leave it at that...

All in all, our effort sans turnovers was sufficient to win. Those two touchdowns on TOs killed us, and the two fumbles by Little and the interception at the goal line deprived us of AT LEAST 11 points, if not more. We definitely lost this game more than SC won, but that is the nature of the game.

Next week, LSU. [Eek!] Strap it on tighter, boys.
Posted by catlogic15 (Member # 1227) on 10-05-2007, 11:19 AM:
I still think if we'd brought our "A" game, we would have won. Too darn many mistakes. But, that's life on the SEC road.
Posted by TampaKat (Member # 2109) on 10-05-2007, 11:59 AM:
I was disappointed IMO we were the better team we looked better in the first half even though we were trailing. I don't think Woodson did anything to help his Heisman status, no way he beats out a Tebow, or whomever, Tebow didn't have the greatest game against Auburn but he was the whole team, he runs, throws, you name it, Woodson looked Sloppy IMO mostly due to his lack of an offensive line and poor pass protection. Our backs do look good Little is solid, our line, fumbles, and secondary were are weak points. I think Woodson is good but he wasn't ready for that kinda of pressrue. And as Tip says its only going to come harder the next few weeks!

[ 10-05-2007, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: TampaKat ]
Posted by 37601 Tiger (Member # 2860) on 10-05-2007, 01:08 PM:
I too thought you guys were/are better than you looked. I am now very concerned that UK will bring even more game against LSU. I will be coming up Thursday morning and would like to come home Sunday with a smile on my face, guess only time will tell.
Posted by TheBadLieutenant (Member # 2807) on 10-05-2007, 02:29 PM:
"I will be coming up Thursday morning and would like to come home Sunday with a smile on my face"

I dont know what you have heard about Winchester Road, but they shut most of those places down.
Posted by Max Beasley (Member # 1320) on 10-06-2007, 07:14 AM:
While I would never blame one player for the loss (or credit one for a win), I do think Woodson had his worse game as a UK QB with regard to very untimely turnovers.....however, as was stated, he made some really nice audibles. Turnovers were the difference, as they oft time are.
Posted by COCKDIESEL (Member # 2699) on 10-06-2007, 05:38 PM:
Originally posted by Max Beasley:
While I would never blame one player for the loss (or credit one for a win), I do think Woodson had his worse game as a UK QB with regard to very untimely turnovers.....however, as was stated, he made some really nice audibles. Turnovers were the difference, as they oft time are.

I understand you think that UK gave us the game but all of Woodsons turnovers came because of pressure by the our d. It wasn't like he just kinda threw into coverage on the int., he was being chased and forced to throw off his back foot and the fumbles came from him being hit. I understand your frustration but give a little credit where it is due.
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 10-06-2007, 06:22 PM:
It wasn't just the turnovers, his head just wasn't in the game at all. Granted, USC's defense did cause him a lot of problems and most likely threw off his game a bit, but he just didn't look anything like his normal self.

The Gamecocks did what they needed to do to win and UK didn't. Simple as that.
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 10-06-2007, 06:26 PM:
Hey CockDiesel...

I was over at cockytalk and was accused of giving a backhanded compliment.

I'm UK Cat over there and I made a post, maybe you've seen it. Did it really sound like a backhanded compliment? I didn't mean it to sound that way? Just wondering?
Posted by bayer (Member # 462) on 10-06-2007, 06:42 PM:
...give a little credit where it is due.

Some of us do as you have already seen.
Posted by COCKDIESEL (Member # 2699) on 10-06-2007, 07:01 PM:
Originally posted by Brandon:
Hey CockDiesel...

I was over at cockytalk and was accused of giving a backhanded compliment.

I'm UK Cat over there and I made a post, maybe you've seen it. Did it really sound like a backhanded compliment? I didn't mean it to sound that way? Just wondering?

I think the truth is that we have heard a lot of well we gave it to USC more than they beat us. I don't think I have read that thread or maybe I just took it as a compliment. It's just all we have heard is how well if this happened or that didn't happen. But you can't do it that way, simply if people want to take away the two defensive td's then can we have the one were the freshman TE fumbled out the back. I hope you understand what I am saying is that lots of things could have happened differently and I don't think Woodson's mistakes were all his fault. Kinda like if it were tennis you would call those forced errors. Anyways I think that UK should still have a good season. The next two weeks will tell how your season ends up really. But even with the toughest part of your schedule left you should definately at least replicate last years 8 wins.
Posted by COCKDIESEL (Member # 2699) on 10-06-2007, 07:05 PM:
Originally posted by bayer:
...give a little credit where it is due.

Some of us do as you have already seen.
I know it's just frustrating b/c all we hear after every game that UGA didn't play well or LSU let up on us or UK gave you guys the game.
I appreciate that most of the people on this board are level headed and seem to be pretty informative fans. That's why I came back this year to chat the game up with you guys again.
Posted by Max Beasley (Member # 1320) on 10-07-2007, 10:31 AM:
CD.....I know my post sounded like it was totally a UK givaway. I should have clarified that though I felt UK greatly contributed to their own demise.....SC simply played better and deserved the win.

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