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Posted by TampaKat (Member # 2109) on 11-26-2007, 07:33 AM:
Who takes home the Heisman, we all know who I think it should be but who do you guys think will win it? I will make a poll after this post, Mcfadden is awesome, he has accounted for close to 20 touchdowns I think Tebow has 51, if you go from a statistical standpoint no one can argue that Tebow shouldn't be the winner. His SOS strength of schedule was number 1 they took on the hardest schedule in the nation. In my poll I will put Woodson in there but I don't even think he deems mentioning for the award his inability to allude the sack or make good decisions is not impressive. To me Tebow in a landslide the winner will be Mcfadden, why because sophmores don't win the heisman Herschel Walker set the all time rushing record as a Freshman at Georgia he got nothing.

Chase Daniels is good but no where near as good as Tebow or Mcfadden, and Matt Ryan and all of that is LOL material, FSU beat B.C. Tebow scored 42 against FSU with a broken hand, not really the same players there!
Posted by uncSUCKS (Member # 2148) on 11-26-2007, 07:53 AM:
my vote goes to Dixon from Oregon.
Yes he is hurt, but look how valuable he was to his team. Heck they cannot even score without him: ucla 16 oregon 0
he was the most valuable player to his team.
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 11-26-2007, 08:01 AM:
You're right, TK. Sophomores don't win Heisman's.

The winner should be McFadden. Woodson had his chance but losing 4 out of the last 5 with sub-standard play put the halt on that campaign.

The Dixon kid at Oregon had a good shot until he was injured.

I would have to go with Mcfadden over Tebow. In all seriousness, TK, I have to say that Tebow is a great football player and will be the front runner for the Heisman next season easily. I just think that Florida had enough talent that if Tebow wasn't there, Florida could have had a decent season. If Mcfadden hadn't have been at Arkansas, the Hogs would have had a very poor season this year.

Tebow has accomplished much this year and I'll admit that he has proved me wrong on some of the opinions I had of him, mainly his toughness as a player (I still think he would make a better drop back passer than a running QB) but I think McFadden is the better all around player.

I'll give you this though, TK. If Tebow is able to have a season next year like he had this year, he will have successfully answered my skepticism about him. I'm still not convinced about his decision making skills and his complete ability as a QB in the passing sense. But, he's only a sophomore and a year makes a lot of difference.

I still think that Tebow is great for Urban Meyer but Urban Meyer isn't great for Tim Tebow.
Posted by TampaKat (Member # 2109) on 11-26-2007, 08:22 AM:
Brandon, I like a man who can admit things I do the same, Next year UF will be preseason number 1 IMO, and Tebows stats will decline, Percy Harvin will become more effective and he will be a McFadden type player maybe missing some of the strentgh, so Tebow will IMO throw for more TD's but run for less, he kinda had to do it all because of no strong running back, I would think UF will get a Rice type of running back. I think he wins it next year with less stats, this year is the year that sets him up for it. So he probably has 30-40 total TD's next year but with less losses and more passing yards IMO!

Mcfadden will be very good in the NFL IMO!
Posted by prophet (Member # 2089) on 11-26-2007, 10:16 AM:
Tebow and it's a slam dunk (George Tenet notwithstanding). Glory position on a glory team that will be better next year. Tebow, barring injuries or departing early, could surpass Archie Griffin and win 3 in a row.
Posted by bayer (Member # 462) on 11-26-2007, 10:39 AM:
Tebow in a runaway.

[ 11-26-2007, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: bayer ]
Posted by catmandoo (Member # 1284) on 11-26-2007, 10:54 AM:
Brandon, I really take issue with your statement: If Mcfadden hadn't have been at Arkansas, the Hogs would have had a very poor season this year.

Arkansas also had a back by the name of Felix Jones who maybe as good or better than Mcfadden.
Here our Jones stats compared to Mcfadden:

-------------Carries--TOT YDS---AVE- PER CARRY TD's


These stats show clearly that if Mcfadden had not played this year they would not have had a very poor season as you stated.
Posted by bayer (Member # 462) on 11-26-2007, 01:27 PM:
While one can make a case for each and everyone of the various candidates, I don't see how anyone could honestly say that any of them are better than Tim Tebow. You take him away from Florida and you have a fairly average team.
Posted by catmandoo (Member # 1284) on 11-26-2007, 02:00 PM:
His stats are so overwelming, which no other quarteback has achieved and like Bayer says, "with a fairly average team.
He threw for 29 touchdowns, 69% passing completions, for 3132 yards and only 6 interceptions. Then add to that, he ran for 22 touchdowns and 838 yards. That is some amazing stuff. You can try to twist it anyway you want but those stats don't lie and would find it hard to believe if he didn't win the Heisman big..
Posted by uncSUCKS (Member # 2148) on 11-26-2007, 02:40 PM:
I agree with TK and Bayer, Tebow in a runaway.
Dont think they will give it to him though, because he is a sophmore.
He also is a good role model unlike me...
He doesnt cuss or drink and has a strong faith.
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 11-26-2007, 04:32 PM:
Arkansas's season was accomplished with both of those guys. Take McFadden away and that really puts a lot of pressure on Jones to be the main guy. Same thing with Jones being taken away. Those two complemented each other well, however remove one of them and Arkansas wins maybe 5 games.

Stats are a fact of life in the Heisman race. It's a good thing the thing isn't decided on stats alone or that Hawaii QB might have won the thing weeks ago.

Tebow is very good. I'm of the opinion that McFadden is the better football player simply because I think he would have been just as successful at any other school in the country at his position. I don't think Tebow would have enjoyed the same success at a different school than Florida, mainly because not many other programs would utilize him in the same way as Florida.

the bottom line is that even if Tebow should win the thing, he most likely won't because he's a sophomore and a lot of voters won't give 1st place votes to sophomores.
Posted by catmandoo (Member # 1284) on 11-26-2007, 07:12 PM:
Brandon, you betcha Mcfadden and Jones comlimented each other however your forgetting the other 2 good running backs Arkansas has and if either Mcfadden or Jones were injured or not there they would be replaced with another one.

Peyton Hillis ran for 328 yards and had a 5.7 per carry average and 2 touchdowns. Micheal Smith ran for 306 yards and had a 7.5 per carry average and 3 touchdowns. Arkansas with Houston Nutt as the coach uses his runners a lot and recruited good running backs. You put them with a good offensive line and their numbers will be there.

Losing Mcfadden would leave a void but with the replacement backs in the wing all they would have to do is re-load. You also have to remember putting Mcfadden on another team would not benefit him necessarily as Arkansas is a run oriented team and a lot of the better teams are pass oriented. Mcfadden was in the perfect system for his abilites.

As far as Tebow is concerned, he may be a true sophomore but we have not seen one with his stats and ability in modern day football The other ability he has is that he can run or throw so if you play him for the pass he will kill you with his runs and when you bring your linbackers, and corners up to protect the run he will beat you with the pass.
Posted by TampaKat (Member # 2109) on 11-26-2007, 07:22 PM:
UNCSUCKS, you got that right, the same goes for me, I try to be a good role model but I occassionally drink, cuzz, and whatever else.......................

I know Tebow's aunt pretty well she is a good lady, I do wonder one thing, in college if you were the absolute man on campus would you break one of your morals or values, the no drinking, cuzzing, etc., I understand but we all know the one that would be about impossible to follow, I wonder what he does about that one? IMO, Its only going to get better from here..........

Who was on here or somewhere else I read, Bill Walton if my son isn't out partying and having fun as a single wealthy male in L.A. then I raised him wrong! Now thats a great qoute!
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 11-26-2007, 09:18 PM:
I'm not forgetting Hillis and Smith. They are good backs but they are not the caliber of McFadden...yet.

I'm not saying put Mcfadden on any other SEC school, I'm saying put him at any other school in the country and he could be just as successful. Well, maybe not at a school like Texas Tech or Hawaii that is pass happy but a school like Nebraska or Penn State or West Virginia or Texas and he would be great there as he was at Arkansas. I don't feel the same way about Tebow. I think Tebow needs to be in an offense designed around him to be successful. That's what I think now. In the future he may develop into a much more refined QB. I would really like to see how he plays when he has a really good RB to take some of the running responsibility off of him. Tebow looks like a half QB half RB to me and as such he doesn't have all the refinements that a pure QB or pure RB should have. He has a ton of pure ability and is a great football player but I just don't think he has all the tools he could have if he just focused on being a QB instead of being the main playmaker. Don't get me wrong, he has excelled at being the playmaker but I think he should be setting up the plays first and foremost and getting the ball to others and let them make plays more than he makes himself. I think he could be a Brett Favre type of QB if he focused on being a QB. Tough, smart, and able to make plays at critical times over and over again. Tebow would be a great QB if he were at South Carolina. He would be a great QB if he were at UK. He would even be great at Tennessee because they would play him as a QB first instead of a RB first.

I really think Mcfadden is the best football player in the country right now. Stats be damned, from what I've seen from both of these guys I think Mcfadden is the better runner and the better athlete compared to Tebow right now. Maybe Tebow will become a better athlete than Mcfadden is now but as of today, I don't think that is the case.
Posted by catmandoo (Member # 1284) on 11-26-2007, 09:32 PM:
Brandon, you make your argument and there are many that would agree with you..Good Post, i guess i just look at it diferently than you and i guess that why we don't all live in white houses.. [Wink]
Posted by prophet (Member # 2089) on 11-27-2007, 01:15 PM:
I really think Mcfadden is the best football player in the country right now.
I can't argue with that opinion because that's all it is. But I can disagree with the inference that "the best football player in the country right now" wins the Heisman. History proves numerous times that that isn't correct. The Heisman winner is the one who in the opinion of the majority of designated voters is so selected. As such there are a myriad of quite subjective factors that enter into the opinions : regionalism, team record and how perceived, media exposure, PR campaigns, et al, including, unfortunately, personal bias (including, I would opine, racial bias) of some voters.
Posted by Atlanta Cat Fan (Member # 1746) on 11-27-2007, 03:05 PM:
The Heisman is really the QB, RB or occassionally WR with the best statistics on a winning (preferably contending) team.

Best player in the nation has nothing to do with this award.

Tebow wins it going away, IMO.
Posted by TampaKat (Member # 2109) on 12-09-2007, 06:40 AM:
Tebow wins it in a close one, the stats of the domain similiar to the actual votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Norm my crush increases with a Heisman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Eek!]
Posted by m hamilton (Member # 127) on 12-09-2007, 07:31 AM:
It's a shame he can't go pro this year!!! [Wink]
Posted by prophet (Member # 2089) on 12-09-2007, 10:41 AM:
Please note my post of 10/20::

Member # 2089

posted 10-20-2007 10:06 PM
The Heisman is now Tebow's to lose.
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 12-10-2007, 07:39 AM:
Well, I have to admit I was surprised that Tebow actually won the thing. Not because he wasn't deserving to be in the race but because he was a sophomore. This was his first year as a starter for UF, wow.

I thought Mcfadden would win it by about the same margin that Tebow won over Mcfadden.

If Florida gets a running back that can take some of the running pressure off of Tebow I might like him better as a QB.

I can't believe the college football season is almost over. <sigh> It seems like it just got started...
Posted by TampaKat (Member # 2109) on 12-10-2007, 07:45 AM:
Brandon, I am mad too that the season is almost done, I loved it, with the Cats being so bad I can't get into B-Ball like I usually can.............. I am sure I will when there is nothing else left to watch!

First Sophmore is 76 years, no watch what happens next if he has one bad game the whole world will shout overratted or have whats wrong with Tebow? all over ESPN, its a tough world being a superstar at any level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 12-10-2007, 08:04 AM:
Yeah, winning the Heisman might be the best and worst thing that could have happened to Tebow this year.

He's going to be scrutinized over every single play he makes now. I think that's probably why the award typically went to juniors and seniors. They could go to the NFL and escape all that living under a microscope stuff.
Posted by BlueCollarMan (Member # 2114) on 12-10-2007, 08:41 AM:
Originally posted by Brandon:
He's going to be scrutinized over every single play he makes now. I think that's probably why the award typically went to juniors and seniors. They could go to the NFL and escape all that living under a microscope stuff.

In Florida, he will not be scrutinized one iota. They love him. As a die-hard Gator fan friend of mine has been saying for two years, "he is a bad a$$."

Posted by catmandoo (Member # 1284) on 12-10-2007, 10:10 AM:
Florida has a very loyal fan base, especially when they are winning...Lots of people are going to be waiting for the day when Tebow fails, but it isn't going to happen. Many predict Tebow won't play quarterback in the NFL but that isn't going to happen either.

Florida is only going to get better, this year they didn't have a running back other than Tebow. Next year Florida will have a dynamite back who is a transfer from USC and a bunch of good redshirts coming in. They will only get better and that will make it easier for Tebow to repeat. He may not have the running stats like he did this year but the extra couple of wins will more than make up for that. He may turn out to be the best football player of all time and be a three time Heisman trophy winner.
Posted by ohiocat (Member # 2560) on 12-10-2007, 03:45 PM:
Tebow is a very unique player.I love the kids character and am hoping he holds up physically.That would be my only concern considering the punishment he will take doing what he does.He's fearless.Sometimes that not the best thing for a long career.
Posted by Brandon (Member # 108) on 12-10-2007, 09:14 PM:
I said Tebow wouldn't play QB in the NFL if he continued to be utilized the same way he was this season. I still think that. However, if a good part of the running game is taken off his shoulders then he may very well turn out to be a very good QB, instead of a RB playing the QB position.

I like that Tebow won the Heisman and set a new precedent by winning it as a sophomore. It just further strengthens the SEC's position as the best football conference in the country if not the best conference in the history of college football.
Posted by catmandoo (Member # 1284) on 12-10-2007, 09:27 PM:
You got that Brandon, the SEC rocks and look out for the Cats as we are starting to sharpen our claws!!!

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